Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-08 um 17.42.18.png

Take Care

The crafty people at the University of the Arts of Zurich asked us to help them communicate the new safety rules and regulations for their newly built campus. We didn't want to be remembered as the weak link in an otherwise perfect first day at uni and that's why we came up with a different way to show people how to stay safe. So grab a chair and prepare yourself for the most colourful trilogy (did we mention that there are three parts?) about rules and regulations you've ever seen. Safety belt not needed.


ZHDK // Take Care

Security Videos


The crafty people at the University of the Arts of Zurich asked us to help them communicate the safety rules and regulations for their newly built campus. So grab a chair and prepare yourself for the most colourful trilogy about rules and regulations you've ever seen. Safety belt not needed. 

Das gewiefte Team der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste fragte uns nach Hilfe um ihre neusten Sicherheitsbestimmungen zu kommunizieren. Setzt euch und haltet euch bereit für die bunteste Trilogie über Regeln und Bestimmungen die ihr je sehen werdet! Sicherheitsgurt nicht notwendig.




Bronze Award Corporate Communication, Edi.15




Zurich University of the Arts

Produced by
Team Tumult

Marwan Abdalla Eissa

Marwan Abdalla Eissa

Frederic Siegel
Beni Morard
Patrice Gerber
Niko Eriksson
Justine Klaiber
Marwan Abdalla Eissa

Nico Kast
Daniel Harisberger

Beni Morard

Sounddesign & Mix
Sebastian Wyss